

I took Charlie to the office today to meet my coworkers. I was worried the entire time he was going to have a meltdown. And he did.

Do I have a skewed sense of reality? I thought babies were supposed to sleep peacefully in their carseats during outings, and sleep through being passed from one person to the next. But it seems like my son wants to be awake when we go out and about, which at some point leads to crying from either being wet, hungry or over-stimulated. And then when the crying happens, I panic and it seems to make the situation all the more tense.

I can handle the crying, even wailing, at home. All my tricks are within arms reach. I can get him calmed down. But when away, it is just more stressful. I am at the mercy of getting things out of my diaper bag. We have stranger's, or acquaintance's, eyes upon us. I feel like a meltdown is a reflection on me as a mom. That he is THAT baby. That "fussy" is the first adjective that comes to people's minds when they think of Charlie. And this just makes me want to stay home and wait to run errands until I'm solo.

So, moms. Am I normal? Is he normal? Is he like every other baby out there or is he truly just a little fussy guy? I have no point of reference. For better or for worse, please tell your tales.

Photo: Feb. 6. Snoozing after coming home from the office. Precious moment.


SarahOehler said...

Wendy, I remember feeling the same way with Grace. It gets better as it goes but it's never easy-especially the fear of others judgements. Charlie doesn't sound like a fussy baby-just a baby trying to communicate what he wants. You know Charlie best so do what feels comfortable to you but know I always admire moms out with their children-it's very brave and admirable-especially with newborns!

Rachel McKenney said...

First of all, could he be any more precious. Secondly, he's not "THAT" baby; he's "A" baby and that's what they do. Every baby cries. Every baby fusses. You know everyone at the office was just so glad to see him.

And really... He was probably crying because you didn't take him up to the Blue Bunny ice cream bunker :)