
It feels really good

They say when you cross stuff off a to-do list, endorphins are released. Well, I crossed a lot of shit off my to-do list this week and I think there are a shit-ton of endorphins floating around inside me.

You know those projects that move from your to-do list week to week? You have the best of intentions to get them done but then this comes up and that comes up and then - crap. Another freaking week has gone by and it is still not done. Yeah, well I had two of those going on. And now. Well, now they are done. Finished. Finito. Okay - I lied. They need to be proofed and edited and approved and revisions will need to be made and they probably won't be wrapped for a week or so but they are in good places. I don't think you know how consumed you are with those looming projects, how much you think about those looming projects and how much they subliminally affect you, until you are finished with them and no longer have to think/worry about them.

So, this weekend I can think about nothing but which bar we're going to and how much shopping I should do at the mall. (We're heading to D.C. to see Kalin.) And when we get back I leave the next day for Chicago (third time in two weeks) to attend the Cause Marketing Forum. All of Barkley Public Relations is attending, which is awesome, and then, well then it's the debut of Sex and the City on the big screen. And then I will have been out of the office for four whole days and that's when the to-do list will build back up, the consumption of projects will reappear and endorphins go bye bye. Better enjoy it now. Happy three-day weekend!

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