
And in other pouch news

After sharing the news of the Plum recall with my mom, I thought she was a bit dramatic when she threw out any pouches, any brand, at her house. Maybe she was on to something. 

My sister-in-law called me tonight to tell me something that happened to an acquaintance of hers. This Facebook friend had fed her daughter a pouch, and her daughter refused it. Mom examined it and found..wait for it...LIVE LARVAE crawling inside.

After I threw up in my mouth, I told my SIL about the Plum recall and assumed these two incidents were related. But upon further investigating, the second story was an Earth's Best pouch. Visit the brand's website for more information on the incident. And yes, we have Earth's Best pouches in our pantry as I type.

So now I'm officially grossed out. I've always wondered how an organic produce product, with no preservatives, remains shelf stable for years. The answer I've received was the cooking process enables this to happen, but alas, I'm afraid I have the answer...they don't. They spoil. 

This all on a day when CB had not one, but two, pouches for lunch. Not hungry for the sweet potato I packed, or perhaps he just craved the extra protein in the pouches. 

Line crossed and puking shall commence right ... about ... now.

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