
Bring your dog to work (every)day

Barkley is now dog friendly! Barkley partners can bring in their pups any and every day. Barkley's also offering pet insurance to pet owners. Just a few of the many perks Barkley offers.

Anyhoo, when I was in KC last week several people asked why I didn't bring Macy. I reminded them she didn't even come to work with me when I worked from home. She's a little too playful...

However, I decided I'd give it a try today. She came to work with me this morning and I thought if at any point she got too barky or playful we'd just take her back up to the kitchen. She has been just a delight (until I was eating lunch and she REALLY wanted on my desk). But this photo was just taken a few hours ago -
- she's been very good! We might have to try this again. It's kind of nice to have an officemate here at Barkley North!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so sweet and innocent in this picture. She should get to go to work with you every day! And I don't think letting her type an occasional client e-mail is necessarily a bad thing... :)