
26 Weeks

Hello sonny boy!

So much activity since I last wrote. First, you attended your first wedding and what a wedding it was! Aunt Lindsay looked gorgeous and the day was beautiful. Ever since we found out you were on the way we decided to focus on the wedding first and then would be the time to really prep for the baby. I had a minor meltdown about two days after the nuptials, fearing that I'm unprepared and have no idea what I am doing in raising a baby, but then I remembered there are books, classes and grandmas for that. Now I am just excited to get the furniture here so I can start organizing. You're accumulating a lot of things already! I got a darling Marc Jacobs diaper bag from grandma and grandpa Hicks for my birthday (the big 32) that I LOVE! I can't wait to pack it full of stuff.

We had a doctor's appointment last Friday. I gained 11 pounds in one month. Whoops! I guess it was the fact I took advantage of the birthday cakes--yes cakes--grandma brought for me from Omaha. I figured if I wasn't drinking the calories...nonetheless, Dr. Matthews wasn't concerned at all (as long as I don't do that every month). See ya, sweets.

We also registered for you! It was so fun! I can't wait to start getting some of the things to make it all feel so real. Our friends were SO helpful in the registry process, telling us what we should and shouldn't get. And Annie loaned us a huge tub of newborn onesies that I sifted through tonight. I can't believe you're going to be that small! To see just how small that is, I had Macy try 'em on for size.

She just can't wait to play with you. And share your jammies.

Minus the transition into a new BMI category, I am feeling pretty great! You're still very active in the ole' tum tum (dad says he's going to have a talking to you about kicking your mom). My back hurts in the morning when I wake up. Hoping the Snoogli finally kicks in and helps! Hopefully easy pregnancy means easy baby...? :)

Love you baby boy! This momma is off to bed.



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