

I realize I make typos in my blog. That's pretty atypical for me in non-blog life as I have to write and proof and write and proof all day for work, but I think that's why I am a little more lenient in this space.

Typos so drive me nuts though--especially in professional settings--so when I spotted this typo in US Weekly's enewsletter this morning I had to share. Who sees it? Leave it in the comment field--let's see which readers have eagle eyes!


Average Jane said...

Private Private!

Sabrina said...

PRIVATE PRIVATE and "Meanwhile, his pregnant 15-year old daughter is fighting for HIS life after getting into a car accident."

Emilie said...

fighting for "her" life . . .

Anonymous said...

a eight year old child? shouldn't it be "an"? how about "It better not be Taye..". How about "It had better not..." i think i'm better at proofreading than i actually am.

